There is a term out there that I think very well defines PDMi as a firm: "Design/Assist". The term came from a seminar about managing and leveraging information needed to design and construct buildings through the use of Data Bases and 3D Modeling. As part of the seminar, the presenter talked about the three standard project delivery methods: Design-Bid-Build, Construction Management, and Design/Build. PDMi lives within one of those methods in every project that we do. The presenter went on to say professional firms do not build, but assist the owner and contractor in the successful completion of building their facility projects.
In reflecting on the topics of managing and leveraging information from the seminar, my mind keeps going back to the delivery method discussion and the idea that we assist in the building process by using data bases and 3D modeling to communicate the design information to the owner and contractors. Project Design & Management, Inc. is committed to Assist our clients during:
Site Selection - We are not Real Estate Brokers, but we understand the real estate market and can assist in site selection, zoning/regulation requirements, and return on investment analysis.
Planning - Our 3D modeling process assists our clients in visualizing the plan. Projects are not built in 2D so why would you plan them in 2D.
Detailed Design - As licensed professionals, our detailed documents assist the contractor in translating the plan into a tangible facility.
Construction - We are not contractors, but our knowledge and respect for construction assists the contractor during the building process.
If we can "Design/Assist" your next Facility project give us a call; we are ready and willing to be of service.