If you are like me, you love all the things you can do during the summer months. As the song says “Summertime, and the livin’ is easy”. Whether you’re enjoying the golf course, picnicking with family and friends, going to see your favorite baseball team play or cooling down at your favorite waterpark, always keep the perspective that living should be easy (I didn’t say not busy – just easy).
As much as summer living should be easy, building projects are not always easy. All too often, we see projects that are made difficult by decisions that are made or decisions that are not made. We are working with a client that is going through changes in how they will be using their facility in the future. They called us to attend the kick-off meeting for the renovation project. As the meeting started it quickly moved to a discussion by the owner’s staff about who was moving where and what to do with the vacated space. It became apparent that a project that could be “easy “was becoming difficult due to the staff trying to solve problems before goals and program requirements were set. To get them back on track, we
…went back and started from the beginning to carefully identify all their needs and projected future growth of each department. Constraints were identified and “needs” were distinguished from “wants”.
…organized the programing process and quickly came up with a solution that addressed each of their identified needs so a floor plan could be developed for review & approval.
This is just one of many experiences that have repeatedly proven to us that the success of a project depends on the quality and integrity of the initial programing and planning. The programing and planning phases lay the foundation for the detailed design and construction phase. We would like to help you keep your next project “easy”. Give us a call.