First United Methodist Church
Wabash, IN
Various projects including: Master planning, existing chapel renovation, existing sanctuary renovations, and site improvement projects.
Interior renovation of existing worship chapel:
Finishes repair & modifications to the current Chapel portion of this existing historic church building.
Repair & repainting of plaster walls, repair of existing stained glass windows, stripping & refinishing of existing wood work, replacing of floor carpeting, installation of a new embossed tin ceiling panel system, and installation of new lighting, electrical, and HVAC system.
Renovation of Basement and Sanctuary areas:
Reconfiguration of sanctuary entry area.
Renovation and reconfiguration of original center balcony, including extensive structural support modification.
New organ antiphonal pipe & equipment closet on the center balcony.
New audio/visual booth along north wall on main Sanctuary level.
New general and performance Sanctuary lighting system, audio & video systems, and assistive listening system.
Modifications to existing HVAC system.
Repair/cleaning of existing finishes and stained glass windows in existing ceiling dome and walls.
Reconfiguration of existing pew layout on sanctuary floor for improved accessibility.
Reconfiguration of existing pew layout and riser platforms at existing side balconies for improved comfort and viewing angle.
Daycare/Classroom area renovation:
Modifications of existing stairs for access control and ADA compliance.
New, self-supporting, canopy at daycare entrance.
Reconfiguration and expansion of existing classrooms for multi-purpose gathering space.
New restrooms accessible from within classrooms.
Daycare office area.
Modifications to existing HVAC system.
Renovation of existing kitchen.